It feels great to set up a Blog which actually has people looking at it but I suppose this makes it important to say something interesting rather than just ramble on about walking my dog. Well seven Sights finally looks like it's going to happen, It feels like a long time since we had the idea - me and Kate have been like birds sitting on eggs waiting for them to hatch.
We had a blackbird nest in our Garden which I exposed when I cut the rambling Rose a couple of weeks ago. The mum sat on it till the the baby birds hatched - then my dog ate her, which is why I include him li
cking his lips, all the babies died of starvation, but they still looked fat which was weired, maybe they had swelled up in the heat. It felt sad to see all that effort go to waste. I think I may be making some sort of point about feeding this idea and us all chipping in with the odd worm to keep things going.
So to introduce myself properly. I'm Steve Pool and I call myself a Journeyman artists as for most of my work I get paid by the day. I like to make work which is at hand in the world and I try to work with people in the places they live rather than in a gallery space. I really like the idea of art but I don't really like much art or Shart as my Mrs has recently started calling it. This project makes me feel a little worried and a little excited as it offers an opportunity to do something different and it's rhizomatous rather than arboreal and for anybody who has an allotment it's much easier to chop down a tree than get rid of brambles.
A tragic tale, which I don't think is really explained satisfactorily by Kate's diagram; why did the little chicks have to die!!